Illegally dumped tires create health and environmental risks in communities. Tires collect rainwater and provide a breeding ground for mosquitoes that transmit illnesses. These piles also are a fire hazard. Tire fires - which are extremely difficult to extinguish - release toxic air pollutants and generate oil that can contaminate the ground and surface water.
The "See It, Report It" campaign - developed in partnership by DHEC, PalmettoPride and the S.C. Department of Natural Resources (DNR), encourages residents to quickly and anonymously report illegal tire dumps in their communities.
In addition, residents should never let someone dump tires on their property. Landowners could be held liable for cleanup costs.
Residents can call PalmettoPride's Litter Busters Hot Line at 1-877-7-LITTER or use the "Report a Litterbug" option online. All information is held in strict confidence and the caller's identity is not released. Another option for residents to report tire piles is to contact their DHEC Environmental Affairs Regional Office directly.